Office Listings from Coldwell Banker

When looking for your new home, you need to make sure that you narrow your search to specific, home styles, areas and even price ranges that suit you and your family. office Listings

To do that, you need to have a secure and trusted place that will allow you to conduct such a search.

Take a moment to view our current listings from Coldwell Banker

I would be happy to search for a home that would meet your family's needs, please call me at (705) 718-3166 so we can talk about your home buying needs and wants or take a closer look at some of our Office listings.

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I'm Always Here to Help

If you have questions about up-to-date market conditions, would like to get my Price Analysis, or simply would like to know what that home next door is listed for... I'm always available to provide that information.

Perhaps you are considering a sale, but are just not sure what would be the best way to proceed in this changing market.

Or maybe you are the First Time Buyer, excited to enter the Housing Market, and have more questions than your would like to handle on your own...

Please give me a call at 705-241-4249

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